Woman in a coma in the hospital

Who Will Speak for You? Document Your Healthcare Wishes

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Imagine this scenario: you're in the hospital, unable to communicate, and crucial medical decisions need to be made on your behalf. Who will speak for you? How will they know what you truly want? Thinking about these situations can be deeply uncomfortable, yet planning for them in advance allows you to make well-reasoned decisions that can ease the emotional burden on your loved ones. Understanding how to document and share your healthcare wishes is vital for ensuring your desires are respected.

The Importance of Planning Ahead

It is human nature to avoid contemplating scenarios where we are incapacitated or gravely ill. However, these are precisely the times when having a clear plan can make all the difference. Without documented healthcare wishes, family members are often left making agonizing decisions under stressful conditions. By thinking about these situations in advance, you ensure that your intentions are known and can guide those acting on your behalf.

Two Key Documents: Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will

Healthcare Power of Attorney

A Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA) allows you to designate someone you trust to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so. This person, often called your agent, will have the legal authority to consult with your doctors and make choices that align with your preferences. Selecting the right person and ensuring they understand your values and beliefs is essential. It's critical to have frank, detailed discussions about your plans and desires with your chosen agent well before they may need to act.

Living Will

A Living Will, sometimes known as an advance directive, is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding medical treatments at the end of your life. This includes decisions about life-sustaining treatments such as mechanical ventilation, resuscitation, and artificial nutrition and hydration. A Living Will can guide your healthcare providers and your agent in making decisions that adhere to your values when you're unable to communicate.

Documenting and Sharing Your Wishes

Open dialogue is crucial. There is no substitute for an honest conversation with your spouse, children, friends, or whoever might be involved in your care. These discussions can be difficult, but they are necessary to ensure clarity and peace of mind for everyone involved. Alongside these conversations, the documentation of your wishes is equally important.

Using Tools to Organize and Share

Tools like Eldwell Guardian are specifically designed to help you organize and share information about your healthcare wishes. Eldwell Guardian makes it straightforward to document your Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will, ensuring that all relevant parties have access to this critical information when needed. Using such a tool can provide a centralized location for all your healthcare documentation, reducing the likelihood of confusion or conflict.

Making it Official

After having these conversations and documenting your preferences, it is essential to make these documents official:

Once completed, provide copies to your designated agent, your primary care physician, and any close family members involved in your care. Keep in mind that your healthcare wishes might change over time due to new personal circumstances, evolving medical conditions, or advancements in medical technology. Regularly review and update your documents as needed, and inform your healthcare agent and loved ones of any changes.

Reviewing and Updating

Keep in mind that your healthcare wishes might change over time due to new personal circumstances, evolving medical conditions, or advancements in medical technology. Regularly review and update your documents as needed, and inform your healthcare agent and loved ones of any changes.


Properly documenting and sharing your healthcare wishes through a Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will is not just an administrative taskā€”it's a profound gesture of care and consideration for your loved ones. Tools like Eldwell Guardian can facilitate this process, ensuring that your wishes are clear and respected in times of need. Planning ahead may be uncomfortable, but it provides peace of mind both for you and those who may need to make difficult decisions on your behalf.

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