Easily upload and store documents with Guardian

Keep Everything in Order with Guardian

Maintaining order and structure in your digital estate plan is crucial to ensure that nothing important is overlooked and that your loved ones can easily find what they need when they need it. Guardian is designed to help you systematically manage your personal information and documents, providing clarity and peace of mind.

Streamline Your Digital Estate Plan with Ease

Think of Guardian's framework as a roadmap for your digital estate plan. We've meticulously considered all the documentation needed and Guardian helps ensure you haven't forgotten anything, from passwords and legal papers to healthcare data and end-of-life preferences, keeping everything in its rightful place and readily accessible.

Screenshot of the Legal resources page in Eldwell Guardian
Personal Info
Store and manage all your vital personal information in one secure place
Passwords & Digital Accounts
Keep track of all your digital accounts and passwords with ease
Legal Documents
Securely store important legal documents like wills, deeds, and powers of attorney
Financial Info
Organize financial information such as bank accounts, investments, and tax records
Healthcare Data
Manage healthcare records, insurance details, and medical histories
End-of-Life Preferences
Document your wishes for end-of-life care and posthumous arrangements
Any Other Documents
Safely store any other documents you want to keep organized and accessible

Manage Your Digital Estate

Guardian is the ultimate tool for securely storing, organizing, and sharing your vital personal information and documents. Sign up today to ensure your legacy is protected and your family's future is secure.