Streamline Estate Planning for Your Clients

Guardian is designed to support financial advisors and estate planning attorneys in helping clients organize their documentation and plan for the future. By providing secure access to client accounts, advisors can manage, update, and ensure the accuracy of critical documents.

Financial advisor helping an older couple with estate planning via Guardian
What does Guardian do?

Digital Vault for Your Client’s Documents

Guardian acts as a secure digital vault, enabling you to work with your clients to access their data or manage it on their behalf. Ensure that wills, investment documents, and end-of-life decisions are up-to-date and accurately documented.

How Guardian Works for Advisors

You can access your clients' accounts for free, allowing you to provide comprehensive support. Whether you choose to cover the service cost yourself or offer a discount to your clients, Guardian makes it easy to integrate into your practice.

Secure Client Access
Manage and update client information directly with secure access
Up-to-Date Documentation
Ensure all important documents, such as wills and investment records, are current
End-of-Life Planning
Help clients document their end-of-life decisions clearly and accurately
Cost-Effective Options
Advisors can either pay for the service themselves or offer discounted rates to clients
Comprehensive Support
Provide your clients with peace of mind by keeping their estate plans well-organized and secure

Enhance Your Client Services

Guardian equips you with the tools needed to deliver top-tier estate planning and financial management services, ensuring clients' futures are well-protected. Talk to us today about how to get started.